Thursday, December 30, 2010


I Like It - Enrique Iglesias, Peak - 1(1)

It makes me happy when it looks like someone's career is long gone, and then they come back with a huge hit.  Enrique is doing something that is rarely done - following it up with another hit.

After Nelly's fall from the charts, he stormed back with Just A Dream, but wasn't able to strike while things were hot.

Enrique looks like he might be following in Mariah's Emancipation footsteps and getting all he can out of this second life of his career.  The fact that he all of sudden looks 10 years younger than he used to isn't hurting.


  1. oh this song gets on my very very very last nerve!!!

  2. Hah! It's kind of a dumb song, but I sitll loved it for a while:)
